Preliminary mapping of the trench exposures shows that the massive sulphides (chalcopyrite dominant) are hosted within structurally controlled fault-breccias that occur within a sequence of metasedimentary rocks and a white, medium-grained monzonite granite. In places the metasedimentary rocks could be large fragments that have been incorporated into the breccia.
Several alteration styles have been observed on the Property, including intense silicification associated with massive chalcopyrite mineralization, sericite, and hematite veining within a monzonite granite.
Of importance is a strong magnetic feature just to the north of the newly uncovered copper showing which appears to be cut by a main structure that trends to the northwest. The Company will be working in this area in the near future to assess the source and importance of this geophysical feature.
Mineralization identified to date on the Property, displays characteristics suggestive of multiple mineralizing systems, with both porphyry and IOCG style copper mineralization recognized. This is the first time that these styles of mineralization have been observed on the Property. The Company is currently mapping, collecting grab samples, and channel sampling the newly excavated area, with the first batch of samples having been submitted to the laboratory for analysis.
Previous Exploration by White Metal
During the 2017 exploration program, White Metal discovered a new copper-silver showing just north of Far Lake. During that time, the Company channel sampled outcropping in the area of the occurrence which assayed up to 3.54% Cu over 3.0 metres, including an individual sample of 4.96% Cu over 1.0 metre. Mineralization is associated with a north-south trending structure within a silicified 684 Squier St., Thunder Bay, Ontario, P7B 4A8 Tel: 807-628-7836 Fax: 807-475-7200 TSX-V:WHM monzonite intrusive body. Prospecting in early 2019 uncovered another occurrence of copper-silver mineralization, along the same structural corridor as the original occurrences. This discovery extended the mineralized horizon another 100 metres northward for a total strike length of approximately 400 metres. One selected grab sample taken from the occurrence assayed 5.52% Cu, 0.188 g/t Au, and 8.5 g/t Ag.
Photographs of the new massive sulphide copper discovery can be seen on the Company’s web page under the section “Far Lake Property”.
Technical information in this news release has been reviewed and approved by Dr. Scott Jobin-Bevans (P.Geo.), Vice President Exploration and a Director of White Metal, who is a Qualified Person under the definitions established by the National Instrument 43-101.
About White Metal Resources Corp (TSX-V: WHM):
White Metal Resources Corp. is a junior exploration company exploring in Canada.
For more information please visit the Company’s website at
On behalf of the Board of Directors of White Metal Resources Corp.
“Michael Stares” Michael Stares, Director
For further information contact:
Michael Stares
684 Squier Street Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada, P7B 4A8
Phone: (807) 628-7836 Fax: (807) 475 7200