Other Properties – Joint Ventures The Company also retains certain other early-stage mineral property interests as detailed in Table 1 below. Table 1 – Other Properties Project NameMineral(s) SoughtLocationStatusPartnerOwnership (Retained) Dor-WitCopper, SilverNamibiaOptionedNoronex(25%)OkohongoCopper, SilverNamibiaOptionedHimba Metals(1% NSR)Far LakeCopper, SilverOntarioOptioned Benton Resources(40%)Seagull LakePalladium, Platinum and NickelOntarioOwned100% subject to underlying NSRShebandowanGold, Silver, Copper and ZincOntarioOptionedGoldshore Resources Corp(25%)StartrekGold, Silver, Copper and ZincNewfoundlandOptionedLeocor30% subject to underlying NSR